Month: April 2013

Spice Chiffon Cake

Spiced Chiffon Cake with White Chocolate Ganache

Even though I am sitting in “Kaapstad” eating awesome “Vis en Chips”, I can still bring you something delicious to bake. I “love” this cake!!!  Yip, three exclamations, that’s how much l “love” this cake. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but if you like trying new and interesting things then give this one a go.   Read more →

Bacon and maple syrup popcorn, rocky road popcorn

Gourmet popcorn and outdoor movie nights

I have had a bee in my bonnet about hosting an outdoor movie night for ages.  We finally got around to it in January when we hosted a screening of Searching for Sugarman in our backyard.  It is such an ASEM movie, if you haven’t watched it yet make a plan…  It was a rather last minute affair, a test… Read more →


Milking It

So Mommies – our most important job once baby is here is making sure they get enough of the right food to help them grow. First decision is whether to comply with the “breast is best” mantra or go with formula. If formula is your preference you can rest assured that huge amounts of research has gone in to making… Read more →


Carrot Cake

It is difficult to find a carrot cake that is perfectly made, because I find a lot of them are dry.  I tried this recipe below and it worked out great, moist just the way it is meant to be. Sometimes a recipe works only once so I have tried it a few times and it comes out just as moist… Read more →