Author: Vida O

Magnetic Necklace Display

DIY Magnetic display board and jewellery organiser

I think the collective noun for necklaces should be a mess of necklaces.  No matter how carefully you put them away somehow when you open your drawer again all of them have tangled into a glorious mess.  So I have been toying with the idea of a jewellery display for ages, but I do not like the chicken wire or peg board solutions that are all… Read more →

All done.  Sparkly bits for your garden sorted.

Mosaic your planters with old CD’s

I live in a household of IT laaities.  We have spindles and spindles of old data on CD’s and DVD’s.  Database back ups from my first job, installation CD’s, pirated music and whole bunch of things that are just taking up space and gathering dust.  Yup, we all have a CD sleeve full of mix music CD’s from the noughties… Read more →

Yummy fluffy omelette

It’s breakfast pizza! Or an omelette…

I am not an egg fan.  I abhor boiled eggs, hate fried eggs, tolerate scrambled eggs and can just about stomach Ziplock omelettes, but only because one can jazz it up with so many other yummy things.  You can hardly taste the egg when you are done jazzing it up.  So when my brother from another mother offered to make me an omelette, I… Read more →

Santa's Shoebox

Santa’s Shoebox

The Santa’s Shoebox project is a charity very close to my heart.  They distribute thousands of gifts to kids in need all over South Africa during the festive season.  For many of these kids, this shoe box filled with goodies is the only gift they will receive during this time.  So before the guilt sets in and becomes a downer,… Read more →

Soft blocks for little guy all done!

Sewing soft blocks for young’uns

Ha ha ha, I started out this post with a whole philosophical paragraph about why I love hanging out with kids, but my SEO software tells me that shit a’int gonna fly.  Gotta get the keywords in the first paragraph to draw in the bots, ahem crowds… /0\.  So here it is, this is a tutorial on how to sew… Read more →

Completed irrigation system

DIY an irrigation system for your garden

At long last something to write about, I can finally start installing my irrigation system because the soil at 3623 has been sorted out one time.  About a year ago I received Jane’s Delicious Garden as a gift and it is truly one of those gifts that keep on giving.  First thing that I realised after reading just a few pages… Read more →


Instagram Fridge Magnets

I absolutely LOVED doing this project.  Not only do I adore the subject matter but after having had this little face on my fridge for a couple days before I sent it to off to her Ouma Plaas and Ouma Bos as Christmas gifts, I know how much happiness a gift like this brings. Read more →

The red velvet cupcake test results

The Red Velvet Cupcake Test

The whole red velvet cupcake thing has had me baffled for quite some time.  What exactly is so special about red coloured cake, surely it has been around for ages, or well at least since red food colouring came into existence, so why all the brouhaha?   Read more →

Yarn Bomb square knitting

Yarn Bombing – Square Knitting Patterns

I recently joined the Wol en Naalde group on Facebook and it is an absolute treasure trove of ideas and inspiration. But more important for this new knitter are all the tips and helpful hints from real-life knitters and crocheters.  Another awesome little something that I learned from joining this group is that the South African needle and hook people are… Read more →