More than a month after Christmas and I am finally getting to the homemade bathy stuff Xmas gifts. All apologies for taking so long to get them up and posted, but better late than never.
First up are the homemade bath fizzies, or if you have round moulds, bath bombs. In my case I had some left over after filling the ice-tray, so I made bathtub fizzy landmines in mini bread tins 🙂 I was pretty skeptical about whether this little experiment would work. Surely one needs more hectic ingredients than what you have in your kitchen cupboard? But no, this works perfectly well. Here is what you will need to make your own homemade bath fizzies.
- 1 cup baking soda
- ½ cup citric acid (I eventually found it in the baking section)
- ¾ cups Maizena (corn starch)
- ¼ cup epsom salt
- some food colouring
- some essential oil
- a spray bottle
The How To
- Sift all the dry ingredients together to remove any lumps and bumps.
- Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly (some recipes use a whisk, I just used a metal spoon and elbow grease and it worked well enough)
- Mix the food colouring and water in the spray bottle. I used red and yellow to get an orange colour.
- Start spraying the dry ingredients. Best to spray with one hand and keep mixing the dry ingredients with the other hand. If you add too much water at once your mixture will start fizzing.
- If it does start fizzing, just stop spraying and start mixing it more vigorously. The rest of the dry ingredients will soak up the extra moisture and stop the reaction from going on.
- Keep testing the consistency of the powder in between sprays, as soon as you can compact or shape the powder, stop spraying. If you want to you can add some essential oil to your powder at this point. I added three drops each of orange and peppermint. For a sore muscle bath soak use lavender, rosemary or eucalyptus oils. For congestion and flu symptoms use eucalyptus and/or peppermint oil.
- Spoon the powder into your moulds and press it until it is firmly compacted.
- Leave it to dry overnight and gently remove from the moulds the following morning. I used the handle of a heavy knife and gave the ice tray a gentle tap on the back of each cube. The bath fizzies came out perfectly.
- My bath fizzies were VERY brittle around the edges and now that I look at the pictures I see I used baking powder instead of baking soda /0\. It is not the same thing… urgh. That might explain why they were so brittle. BUT they fizzed \0/ and made for a wonderfully aromatic and relaxing bath.
Keep the fizzies in an airtight container and use it within two weeks. If you gift it in a tin use tissue paper to stop the epsom salt from causing corrosion. My fizzies went ‘flat’ after two weeks, but I have a suspicion that might have been the baking powder’s fault as well. Will very definitely make them again and let you know if the the baking soda has any influence on the longevity.
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