Peppermint Crisp Tart

 Do you like Tart?

This has everything you would “really” want in a Tart – Caramel, Chocolate and Biscuits – what more could you ask for.  The brilliance of this recipe is that it ONLY has 4 ingredients, and it is super quick and easy to make.

So? Do you like Tart?

INGREDIENTS        Peppermint Crisp Tart - Ingredients

1 packet tennis biscuits

1 tin caramel

1 box orley whip (dessert topping)

100g peppermint crisp chocolate


Peppermint Crisp Tart - Beat Orely WhipPeppermint Crisp Tart - Beat in CaramelPeppermint Crisp Tart - Caramel mixed inPeppermint Crisp Tart - Mix in Peppermint Crisp

1.  Beat the Orley Whip till it is thick. 

2.  Beat in the caramel. 

3.  Chop the peppermint crisp chocolate and stir into the mixture.

Peppermint Crisp Tart - 1st layer of biscuitsPeppermint Crisp Tart - Half fill with mixturePeppermint Crisp Tart - 2nd layer of biscuitsPeppermint Crisp Tart - Fill with rest of mixture

4.  Lay a square Pyrex dish with biscuits. 

5.  Half fill with the mixture.

6.  Lay another layer of biscuits.

7.  Pour the rest of the mixture over.

8.  Decorate the top with bits of the chocolate.

Peppermint Crisp Tart - Decorate with chocolatePeppermint Crisp Tart - Ready to EatPeppermint Crisp Tart - Delicious

9.  Refrigerate before serving.  Overnight would be best.