Month: October 2012


Installing French drains – Part 1

Finally got around to installing the French drains this weekend.  Part of the procrastination on my behalf was due to the fact that I knew it was going to be hard physical labour, and it was.  The heat levels we are currently experiencing in Snor City did not help either.  But sunscreened and behatted Last and I started digging on… Read more →

Principles of Garden Design

A garden is whatever you want it to be; a child’s play area, a pet’s run, a vegetable patch, a sanctuary or an entertainment area, or even a mix of all of these. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to garden design.  Gardening is known as a living art form, which constantly changes and evolves. Because… Read more →


The virtues of blackout lining

Just a quick post on how ASEM blackout lining is.  The New and Improved TV Room™ finally had its curtains hung and I am so impressed with how well the blackout lining works.  When we had the curtains made, I nearly had a heart attack when it turned out that the lining was almost twice as expensive as the material… Read more →


My ouma se kaas skons

I got this recipe from my mom maybe five years ago and I only got around to making it now.  Shameful really, because these muffins are SUPER QUICK & EASY and oh so yummy.  My mom got the recipe from her mother-in-law, my much loved Ouma Vee.  Ouma Vee was a short and very huggable person – think marshmallow huggable.… Read more →


DIY Bird Feeder Success

I am so very chuffed to announce that the DIY bird feeders have been a resounding success.  In the past couple of weeks there has been increased bird activity in the garden and the joy of hearing birds and birds and more birds on waking up is just exquisite.  We even have a dove nesting just outside my office. Got… Read more →