Category: Garden

Any project that involves a spade or soil.

All done.  Sparkly bits for your garden sorted.

Mosaic your planters with old CD’s

I live in a household of IT laaities.  We have spindles and spindles of old data on CD’s and DVD’s.  Database back ups from my first job, installation CD’s, pirated music and whole bunch of things that are just taking up space and gathering dust.  Yup, we all have a CD sleeve full of mix music CD’s from the noughties… Read more →

Completed irrigation system

DIY an irrigation system for your garden

At long last something to write about, I can finally start installing my irrigation system because the soil at 3623 has been sorted out one time.  About a year ago I received Jane’s Delicious Garden as a gift and it is truly one of those gifts that keep on giving.  First thing that I realised after reading just a few pages… Read more →


French Drains – Part 2

The French drain installation is finally complete. After a boatload of gravel and even more elbow grease I can finally declare that the plan worked.  The amount of water running down into the garage has been reduced tremendously and after a night time shower there was hardly any mud on the paving.  Yay!  It is a win for 3623! Read more →


Installing French drains – Part 1

Finally got around to installing the French drains this weekend.  Part of the procrastination on my behalf was due to the fact that I knew it was going to be hard physical labour, and it was.  The heat levels we are currently experiencing in Snor City did not help either.  But sunscreened and behatted Last and I started digging on… Read more →

Principles of Garden Design

A garden is whatever you want it to be; a child’s play area, a pet’s run, a vegetable patch, a sanctuary or an entertainment area, or even a mix of all of these. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to garden design.  Gardening is known as a living art form, which constantly changes and evolves. Because… Read more →

Welcome to Spring

Hello again and welcome to spring! A beautiful garden that attracts and feeds birds and insects not only helps the environment but it is so good for one’s soul. A grieving individual will enjoy sitting outside and having some quiet time for reminiscing and planning their future, as will a convalescing patient, a broken heart, a healing limb. Herbs are… Read more →

So, did you know… strelitzias

This time of the year is the season for the Strelitzia (Bird-of-paradise flower): Those glamorous flowers indigenous to South Africa. The unique shape of the flower is there for a specific purpose: It depends on birds for pollination.  The flower produces large quantities of low quality nectar but the characteristics of the flower are specific to attract birds as the… Read more →

The Kitchen Garden

So now you have a great outline for your garden.  Today we are going to design your kitchen garden. You may use your original plan, or you may want to outline just the kitchen area and do a separate plan for it, and then for each ‘room’ in your garden. I will use the same plan as before. You may… Read more →


Its for the birds!

Yay!!  Spring in Pretoria has sprung. I spent the day in my lovely airy, filled-with-light office, wearing summer clothes!  Snor City might have many things wrong with it, but the weather is VERY definitely not one of them.  I actually spied a hummingbird feeding from a strelitzia this morning, I didn’t even know one found them in South Africa.  Freaking… Read more →

Gardens by Design

Now that you have your mood board (or not) you should have a good idea of what you want your garden to look like. It’s not impossible to achieve if you plan, plan and then check your plan. Perhaps you have children and pets and you want to entertain in your garden as well as grow vegetables and herbs. You… Read more →